The History Of Windows (Screenshots)

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Note: Click on any image for a larger view of that particular image.

Windows 1.0

Windows 1.0 - Screenshot 1 Windows 1.0 - Screenshot 2

Windows 1.01

Windows 1.01 - Screenshot 1 Windows 1.01 - Screenshot 2 Windows 1.01 - Screenshot 3

Windows 2.0

Windows 2.0 - Screenshot 1 Windows 2.0 - Screenshot 2 Windows 2.0 - Screenshot 3 Windows 2.0 - Screenshot 4

Windows 3.0

Windows 3.0 - Screenshot 1 Windows 3.0 - Screenshot 2 Windows 3.0 - Screenshot 3 Windows 3.0 - Screenshot 4

Windows 3.1

Windows 3.1 - Screenshot 1 Windows 3.1 - Screenshot 2 Windows 3.1 - Screenshot 3 Windows 3.1 - Screenshot 4

Windows NT 3.1

Windows NT 3.1 - Screenshot 1 Windows NT 3.1 - Screenshot 2

Windows 3.11

Windows 3.11 - Screenshot 1 Windows 3.11 - Screenshot 2 Windows 3.11 - Screenshot 3 Windows 3.11 - Screenshot 4

Windows NT 3.51

Windows NT 3.5 - Screenshot 1 Windows NT 3.5 - Screenshot 2

Windows 95

Windows 95 - Screenshot 1 Windows 95 - Screenshot 2

Windows NT 4.0

Windows NT 4.0 - Screenshot 1 Windows NT 4.0 - Screenshot 2 Windows NT 4.0 - Screenshot 3

Windows 98

Windows 98 - Screenshot 1 Windows 98 - Screenshot 2 Windows 98 - Screenshot 3

Windows 2000

Windows 2000 - Screenshot 1 Windows 2000 - Screenshot 2 Windows 2000 - Screenshot 3 Windows 2000 - Screenshot 4

Windows ME

Windows ME - Screenshot 1 Windows ME - Screenshot 2 Windows ME - Screenshot 3

Windows XP

Windows XP Home Windows XP Professional Windows XP - Screenshot 1 Windows XP - Screenshot 2 Windows XP - Screenshot 3

Windows Vista

Windows Vista Logo Windows Vista - Screenshot 1 Windows Vista - Screenshot 2 Windows Vista - Screenshot 3 Windows Vista - Screenshot 4 Windows Vista - Screenshot 5 Windows Vista - Screenshot 6 Windows Vista - Screenshot 7 Windows Vista - Screenshot 8 Windows Vista - Screenshot 9 Windows Vista - Screenshot 10 Windows Vista - Screenshot 11