Run Programs Secretly by Setting them To Open Minimized

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If you are like most computer users, you multi-task. Typically multi-taskers will have several programs open and will switch amongst them as they need to. If you want a particular program to always open silently (for example Ad Watch, which is a spyware monitor), you canset it to automatically open minimized (note: also the opposite you can set a program to always start in a maximized window) . Here is how…

Note: Click on any image for a larger view of that particular image.

First locate the program's executable (ie. what you would click on if you wanted to launch the program), then you right click on it and select properties. For this example I have chosen Internet Explorer:


Then click on the menu for Run and select Maximum to have the program run with more priority, or Minimum if you want the program to be run with less priority.


Then Click Apply
